Teaching Spelling has Never been Easier
Spelling Tutor's online program is the most effective way to teach spellings
It teaches 90% of every day words, including all the words in the National Spelling Curriculum.
Children enjoy learning their spellings with our engaging sentences and memorable pictures.
All words are taught in sentences with a memorable picture.
Teaches all children to spell, including those who are behind.
Each word is repeated, using spaced repetition, until the child has learnt it.
Children read, listen and then write out each word.
Easily see who is playing, and the words children are getting wrong.
Children work independently, at home or at school, for 10 minutes a day.
The Benefits of Spelling Tutor
Spaced repetition transfers spellings to long-term memory.
Spellings are learnt by writing words on paper.
Takes 10 minutes a day, at school or at home.
The Most Effective Way to Teach Spelling
Spelling Tutor uses sentences with memorable pictures to teach all children to spell. Words are repeated, using spaced repetition, until the word is stored in their long-term memory.
Children write words on paper, from dictation. They mark their own work, giving ownership and responsibility for learning to spell.
You can use our pre-made spelling lists, or create your own. Alternatively, Spelling Tutor's adaptive algorithm can automatically assign words for children who find spelling difficult.
Why Teachers Love Spelling Tutor
1 Clear reports show you who has been playing, the words they have learnt and those they are struggling with.
2 Quick and easy to create spelling lists, and to assign them to a spelling group or a whole class.
3 Prepares children for SATs, covering the National Curriculum for spelling.